YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
Lubanera Design

Zhu Zhang Mangu Shop

Space is an important carrier of brand value presentation. From material selection to texture form; A high degree of consistency in shaping brand value.

ZHUZHANG Main chapter to convey the bold independent, adhere to the original design and life concept, intends to build a vibrant women's designer brand, its first brand retail store is located in Shenzhen "Nanshan Mangu" natural, rational and inclusive attitude, clear and rational comfort, showing the core essence of the main chapter ZHUZHANG brand. Let us take a moment away from the complex and noisy external environment and clear our minds. Bobo, creative director of LubanEra·Design, uses the language and way of thinking of architecture to create a deep dialogue with space, and creates a unique space rhythm and mood in exploration and practice.

We do not pursue the so-called design style, but only explore the commercial value created by aesthetics for space. This is LubanEra·Design founder Bobo's approach to design innovation. The free form gives space a new life, but the blending and symbiosis between space and nature cannot be defined, and the possibilities derived from the two cannot be measured with the migration of time and space, so the space of possibilities is always growing naturally.

Coexistence and Symbiosis

Since the building was originally a catering street, the internal structure is crisscrossed, and the water supply and drainage and gas pipelines are complicated. As the end position, the smoke exhaust pipe in the back kitchen is the largest and tortuous, occupying a wide area and cannot be changed, which greatly reduces the height of space and increases the difficulty of space creativity. Therefore, Bobo, the founder of LubanEra·Design, uses the design concept of free form blending and symbiosis to constantly blend and collide architectural structure with spatial form and materials. The rough materials show the delicacy of the product, the contrast of the object, the extension of the space, and build a boundless dialogue between the consumer and the space. It constructs a shopping experience space that is both metaphorical and imaginative.

Well Ordered

A well-organized, structured space gives the impression of serenity, order, and propriety. Green plants balance the texture of space, soft and hard, rigid and soft, restrained beauty, convergent expression, multi-level texture and the relationship between the volume, the line of sight through, the conversion of details, tight and natural.

Primitive Nature

Design comes from nature, returns to the natural state of mind, shuttles in the humanities and natural art, orderly interweaving, this is the true meaning of design from nature and feedback to nature. Through fine processing and treatment, granite shapes its personality while still retaining its original natural characteristics, exploring the beauty and wisdom hidden behind simplicity and restraint.

Mental Relief

The control of the light source and the combing of the space flow line are directly related to the shopping experience of consumers. The inherent properties of natural materials tease the sensory endings and listen to the natural breathing, so as to obtain spiritual relief. Solid wood and granite, with their tactile and visual characteristics, carry the peaceful character of space, allowing comfort, concentration and calm to respond to human behavior, psychology, emotions and feelings as much as possible. Back to the beginning of the design, the consumer slows down, allowing the space to return to the essence of the business of shopping.

Quiet Freedom

Freedom is the need for balance, choose to use quiet to balance the relationship of freedom, the quiet feeling created by the white space, silent but strong, if there is no guide to perceive the scene just right stretch. Places have always been not limited to a single expression, after the injection of time, emotion, light and shadow, charm and imagination, it will tend to the overall richness, sometimes in the restoration of the past appearance, sometimes pointing to the more natural vitality of the present.

Natural Metaphor

Intervene in nature, so as to break the space constraint. Architecture is defined as a narrative mode, using space as a medium to convey emotions, and exploring the narrative of space through the interaction of natural reality and metaphor. Make the whole space environment to create a natural metaphor and full of healing.


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