YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号
Red Dot Space Design

New World Linhailanshan Private Residence

This project is located in Nanshan District, Shenzhen. The house is close to the mountains and the sea, and the city is close to the street. It can watch the dust and smoke, overlook the street view, pillow on the sea of trees, and listen to the sound of the tide. Nature and the city are intertwined and symbiotic, giving the space a sense of vitality and the slow flow of time. The designer integrates the overall spatial charm with precise and rigorous artistic language, introduces natural texture into the room, fully interprets the natural mood of urban living, and condenses the aesthetic conception of sleeping in the mountains and the sea in every inch.

The rhyme of the Song Dynasty remains unchanged, only this is green. Chen Yinke, a master of history, pointed out that "the culture of the Chinese nation has evolved over thousands of years and reached its peak in the Zhao and Song Dynasties." Influenced by the philosophy of "Gewu", the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty subverted the previous freehand brushwork and focused on the exploration of rocks. The study of calligraphy and painting details such as texture, ripples of water flow, and color of leaves, calligraphy and painting art represented by "green landscape" pushes the classical art aesthetic to its peak.

The designer drew inspiration from Song Dynasty paintings and set up a teahouse on the mountainside with full-length two-tone floor-to-ceiling glass. The interlacing of colors between forest and mountain, near and far, solid and virtual emphasizes the layers. The space is stripped of pure colors to express minimalism. In the context of the style, the mood of the space is soft and calm but not monotonous, just like the green mountains and waters pouring into the space, half of the real scene and half of the painting, creating a poetic scene of "returning to the deep forest, sitting leisurely and sipping the fragrance of tea".

   Use natural cellaring time and express temperature with texture. The story of time is hidden in the eternal craftsmanship. Emphasizing the use of materials to express style, Italian white travertine was selected as the background stone. The naturally formed textures and holes reflect the changes over the years. Combined with the centuries-old old craft wooden floor, the space is like a naturally deposited rock, dividing the delicate and rich space. Dimensions, the physical sense and tension presented by different materials are like different narrative entry points, expressing a highly aesthetic lifestyle in a calm and realistic way.

Minimalism should be about life, not monotonous design." Abandoning the emptiness and lack caused by minimalism, in the design of the restaurant, you can see the designer's ability to skillfully use the sense of matter to enrich the emotional atmosphere of the space. The marble is like ink. The textures, the shapes of artistic lamps, the appropriate fabrics and textures of chairs and sofas...some are smooth, some are sharp, or some are warm and velvety, the diverse materials are gathered together in one room, just like life, with five senses mixed together, on the side of the mountain and by the sea. It adds a solid and determined "feeling of landing" to the space.

The dining table uses component techniques, a combination of stainless steel and wood veneer, and the cold and sharp texture is embedded in the warm and moist log texture. The natural temperament supports modern aesthetics and is preserved from the world. It is born from the fusion of practical aesthetics and artistic thinking. All the door frames in the space are made of narrow frames with unique craftsmanship. The superb skills of eliminating the rough and selecting the essential have already cut out the complex and simplified the external image, which invisibly enhances the taste and sophistication of the space.

The touch of nature quietly penetrates into the room, the light and shadow confined in the room extend outward along the branches, the walls are covered with the bark of trees, and the heart is also rushing towards the mountains and seas. In the design of the master bedroom, the designer emphasized the change of space and the transformation of the outdoor landscape. He chose natural texture wall coverings and log furniture to perfectly integrate the indoor landscape with the outdoor natural environment, creating a unique look and feel "only in this mountain".

Use design to integrate light and shadow, so that the skylight is like a needle thread, naturally connecting the outdoor scenery with the indoor scene. In the integration of space light and dark, the designer uses suspended ceilings with scattered colors to highlight the light and dark, light and shadow in the space. The binary opposition relationship not only stretches the visual depth of the space, but also subtly divides the dynamic and static areas of the interior, subtly creating the rhythm and order of day and night, morning and dusk.

A brand is more than pure beauty and commercial value, it is also the recognition or admiration of a certain lifestyle. In terms of soft furnishing selection, the designer strictly selects brand furniture such as Baxter sofa, Ceccotti dining chair, minotti bed, bdbarcelona side chair, etc., collects some European design items that have accumulated for a century, and combines them with Chinese classical techniques and modern cutting-edge technology. , allowing oriental aesthetics to infect the soul of modern aesthetics, spurring the flowers and fruits of future technology from retro art, and subversion and transformation happening simultaneously in one area.

Between the fusion and dialogue, the old times and the present reflect the gentle whispers inside and outside, telling and singing to the people living there, the distant stories that started in the ancient past... At that time, the sky was broad and blue, the woods were as usual, and everything was still the same as before. Until the tempering of time brings about the boundaries between things, beauty and ugliness are born, artifacts are born, the soul gradually cools from the barbaric heat, aesthetics and civilization are intertwined, forming the artistic tone of daily life...


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