YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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American Designers

Casey McCafferty

Design Furniture USA 2024-09-09

I rarely know what the form of completion will look like until I've done 75% of my work. I like to have a range of functional and non-functional sculptures.

Casey McCafferty is a sculptor who specializes in wood, stone, and metal. His inspiration comes from his interest in mythology and love of nature. McCafferty uses the form of direct carving to produce his works.Sketching for planning is seldom done and templates are never used. Each piece he creates is unique and an expression of his inner world he is trying to bring to life.

Casey McCafferty exercises a respect for material and traditional technique in each piece he creates.Working with raw materials, applying both Old World craft and unorthodox experimentation, Casey seeks the intersections where tactility, substance, and heft meet concept and metaphor. Casey creates work that reflects his natural surroundings, while exploring the boundaries between craftsmanship, art, and technique.

McCafferty draws inspiration from myths, folklore and ancient art from around the world, seamlessly blending figurative and abstract forms to give his work an original sensibility. Embracing a design language of vague organic shapes from which elements of human anatomy emerge, his sculptures appear to belong to an unidentified ancient civilization, but at the same time give the impression that they are natural constructs carved by wind and waves. In addition to their mystique, the human-like forms he incorporates into his work also suggest human interconnectedness. As he explains: "My interest in body parts comes from ancient art, from Greek to Marine art, and the collective way it suggests between people."

McCafferty loves to express his thoughts and feelings in his work, but he also wants people to take away their own interpretation. He likes to compare his pieces to clouds: ten people can look at a cloud and have ten different visions. McCafferty wants his work to have different meanings to different people. He finds inspiration through nature, his family, and past masters. As he grows, matures, and experiences life so does his art.


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