YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Yu Yan Design

Over the Sloping Roof

This penthouse duplex with its unique structure and large semi-enclosed terrace has excellent lighting conditions. The owner settled on the house in a very short time. The hope is that the house will end up warm, calm and durable.

While preserving the structure of the building itself as much as possible, the space is shaped from a new perspective. Pay attention to the direct connection between the moving line and the indoor and outdoor, and maximize the introduction of natural light. Use natural materials such as soothing neutral tones, cool stone and dark wood. Some of the lockers and structures are wrapped in deep walnut color, and the wall paint is the same color as the ground to keep the visual simplicity of the space as much as possible. The furniture is mainly made of dark wood and cloth materials, as well as some African objects, old sculptures and pottery pieces. I want to make every space as soft and hard as possible.

Because most of the time will be spent in the house, to think about the impact of peaceful living environment, emphasizing how the design at all levels can enhance the relationship between people and living environment. And the process of finding comfort and comfort. The design of each era blends with life to create a residential environment of depth, warmth and quality.


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