Labotory is a design studio located in Seoul, South Korea.The design philosophy of Labotory is simple.  It aims to realize the best space through the maximum efforts. LABOTORY is a compound word that adds the meaning of two different words, laboratory and story. It means a studio experiments and studies their own story of a brand. They create brand experience through space and brand identity design.

Labotory pursue a space where our dream is realized. They overcome spatial limitations through pleasant free-spirited interpretation and design ideal environment expressing user’s identity. They used to use the most basic elements, such as dots, lines, and faces, to put the formative elements in the space. Each project has a different personality.

In addition, Labotory design is not satisfied with simplified visual beauty with an aim to express more mature value by featuring unique messages, impression and nuance of a space. Labotory will make ceaseless efforts to realize a space where someone’s dream becomes a reality.