YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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  • Manhattan Triplex

    Shelton Mindel has combined two distinct developer units on top of a new high-rise in Manhattan, a two-story penthouse and a studio below, to create a seamless three-story single-family apartment. Limited by the existing layout of the composite, the staircase provides a unique physical connection between all three levels. By using a simple metaphor, coupled with a clean and concise design concept, the three separate floors of the developer's building were combined in this renovation to create a seamlessly integrated three-storey house.
  • AD 2722

    Fortune always springs from sorrow, The dusty sand buried the last footprint. The blue planet gives us a lonely glimpse, The sun's blood spreads through clouds and space, A great mass of red blood was reflected.
  • Chai Residence

    People for generations are passengers and travelers to time. Fishermen spent life on the boats, and grooms spent time on the horses. Yet the life is like a dream, and where to be home?
  • Mango Bay Resort Spa

    Located on Phu Quoc Island in Vietnam, the Mango Bay Resort is designed by PI Architects, a Singapore-based architectural studio. Mango Bay Resort is a famous place on Phu Quoc Island.
  • Alpha House

    This two-story building is a stack of two distinctive expressions of architectural ideas. The ground floor is articulated as a simple box volume that holds the living room, kitchen, foyer and garage. It acts as the pedestal for the above.
  • Alsterhaus Mens Department

    Alsterhaus Mens Department is the renovation and dynamic reorganization of iconic Alsterhaus menswear Department under KaDeWe Group.
  • Penthouse Show Apartment

    Hutchinson approached Morpheus to design and deliver the interior of a penthouse in their Chelsea Waterfront development.
  • Salucci House

    Salucci House's main reference is the use of the landscape, particularly the leaves, green and organic nature of the work.
  • Fairfield House

    A contemporary classic, Fairfield House in Melbourne, Australia, was designed by local interior design studio Heartly. Fairfield House is a refurbished and expanded project that retains the original streetscape frontage and extends the life of the House. Built in 1910, this Edwardian cottage is a common sight in the area and marks a suburban amenity during Melbourne's urban expansion.
  • XOCO Penthouse

    Tapped by DDG Partners to stage the penthouse in their new building Xoco, Neal Beckstedt Studio transformed the expansive four-bedroom home into an elegant retreat infused with modern sophistication and ease.
  • Asaka House

    Asaka House, a minimalist residence in Saitama prefecture, Japan, was designed by local interior designer Aso Toshihiro. Located in a quiet residential area, only 10 minutes from the nearest train station, the building is set in a parallelogram, slightly offset from the site. This allows the structure to avoid facing the Windows of external walls and adjacent buildings. Two triangular open Spaces on the site provide space for the surrounding environment, allowing light and air to flow through. These rooms are arranged from a closed room to an open room, with no corridor from the road side to the backyard side. Windows, doors and frames are not rectangular in shape but arched in shape, a departure from everyday standards of landscape and distribution.
  • Zibi House

    Reflecting the client's vision for the future and commitment to the sustainability framework proposed by One Planet, Paolo Ferrari designed a series of rooms that highlight the site's historical, environmental or cultural elements.
  • Secret Room

    Drawing inspiration from around the world, the complex design skillfully combines an alternative time and space into a real setting, in keeping with dubai's unique and diverse cultural background.
  • HD Las Vegas 2017

    Paolo Ferrari's work is rooted in the pursuit of innovative and resonant concepts, and is guided by its unique design strategy, meticulous workmanship and integrity.
  • DDNY New York 2016

    Innovative thinking, collaboration and optimism guide the studio's approach to design, which, at its most fundamental, celebrates the human experience.

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