YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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  • Folding Courtyard

    The project is located in Qianliang Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing, with a site area of about 410 square meters.
  • Layering Courtyard

    Therefore, while improving the quality of construction and infrastructure, this renovation focused on creating experience in particular scenes based on the Hutong environment, aiming to attract urban population who have increasingly diversified consumption demands.
  • Twisting Courtyard

    The design aims at getting rid of the solemn and stereotyped impression given by Siheyuan, and creating an open and active living atmosphere.
  • Waterside Buddhist Shrine

    The building is located in the forest by the riverside. Along the river, here is a mound, behind which is a great stretch of open field and sporadic vegetable greenhouses. The design started from the connection between the building and nature, adopts the method of earthing to hide the building under the earth mound while presenting the divine temperament of nature with flowing interior space. A place with power of perception where trees, water, Buddha and human coexist is thus created.
  • Hancock Park House

    A contemporary art style home in Los Angeles, designed by local interior design Studio Disc Studio.
  • Salk Institute for Biological Studies(Photo by Xavier de Jaureguiberry)

    In 1959, Jonas Salk, the man who had discovered the vaccine for polio, approached Louis I. Kahn with a project. The city of San Diego, California had gifted him with a picturesque site in La Jolla along the Pacific coast, where Salk intended to found and build a biological research center. 
  • Coastal Home

    Rejecting the traditional aesthetic notions of the coastal abode, Coastal Home instead expresses the personality and storied art collection of its client. Decus Interiors combines elements from the existing heritage home through a contemporary lens to anchor the home’s past in the present.
  • Parisian Town House

    This poetic Parisian town house was in fact designed to be the privileged meeting place between a Florentine sculptor and her husband, a financier in London.
  • Xi'an Vanke View Lake Sales Center

    Henry David Thoreau once praised Walden Lake as a teardrop of the God, and hence evoked numerous people's yearning for lakeside living.
  • 432 Park Avenue Penthouse

    The view here is very exciting and something very soft is needed for balance. Because color is something that can be seen, Kelly Behun tries to pay more attention to the feel of the fabric.
  • Guiyang Vanke • Guanhu Sales Center

    It's a space that enables people to get close to nature while immersing in artistic interior scenes.
  • Yoga Studio

    Yoga Studio is located in Kiev, Ukraine. The commercial project combines several functional areas: Yoga, cafe, shop, massage room.
  • Apartment 117

    Mints Design has completed a 117-square-metre modern home in Kiev, Ukraine. The studio creates a light and luxurious interior.
  • Yaga Terrace

    Mints Design has completed a 115-square-metre commercial project in Kiev, Ukraine.
  • The Garden Pavilion

    Located in a busy shopping mall in Hong Kong, a VIP lounge was designed by local interior design studio NCDA. In short -- creating a relaxing vacation is designed by the designer as an airy garden-like modern landscape inspired by the traditional Japanese Zen garden form to create a cocoon escape.

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