YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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Relevant designer A total of found 475 result

Related works A total of found 5577 result

  • Canadian Home

    Rafauli belief is that both the interior architectural design and furniture elements must marry seamlessly to make for an amazing project.
  • Apartment MAC

    A simple house by local interior design studio Triplex Architects on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Brazil.
  • Camden Cocktail Lounge

    Opening in the summer of 2018, Camden Cocktail Lounge thrills high rollers and socialites alike with a district synthesis of traditional design and contemporary detailing.
  • Wing House

    Many things happened between the building of the house, which made Guilherme Torres realize that although time does not stop, architecture is eternal. The aim of the project is to allow all rooms to enjoy the same natural beauty.
  • Lake Huron House

    Conceptually, the design consists of a series of stacked and suspended rectangular boxes, one embedding the building into the ground plane, the other suspended overhead to allow the living level to exist between the volumes.
  • Irving Street Townhouses

    B.E Architecture has completed a townhouse project in Melbourne. Through a unity of colour and form, Irving Street townhouses are conceived through a cohesive, similar vein approach, but each carved out of its own unique address.
  • House in Minoh 3

    It is a courtyard-style house built in a quiet residential area in Minoo City.
  • Polanco House

    A five-story apartment building in the heart of Mexico City, designed by Arizona-based architecture and interior design Studio Rick Joy.
  • Scandizzo House

    Scandizzo House, a cozy family home in Melbourne, Australia, designed by local architecture and interior design studio Kennon. This reflects architect Pete Kennon's exploration of the relationship between architecture, memory and identity, and how one's sense of self and sense of place of personal meaning become indelibly linked throughout life.
  • Jaybird

    A Yoga studio in Vancouver, Canada, the Jaybird was designed by local interior Design studio Ste Marie Art and Design. Meditation Spaces throughout history have inspired the sensory and emotional qualities of materials -- emphasizing the connection between the external environment and the internal state.
  • Audemars Piguet Showroom

    East Hampton is known for its ease and relaxation – a beach destination where visitors like to forget about their daily lives and slow down.
  • Pavilion A

    A modern swimming pool house by local architecture and interior design studio Maurice Martel Architects, located on the outskirts of Montreal island, Canada. Their design was inspired by the modernist glass house designed by Philip Johnson in the film Ferris Wheel. Like its predecessors, the pavilion includes a flat roof and large areas of glass. Its interior includes a large swimming pool, sitting area and bathroom, all of which can be seen from the outside.
  • Clunie House

    Overlooking Hans Place Gardens just a stone’s throw away from Harrods sits Clunie House. Taylor Howes was commissioned to design the interiors of this top floor apartment for a repeat developer client.
  • L Residence

    The interiors will be timeless, simple yet luxurious. A focus on materials, proportions and detailing gives way to expansive views, allowing the glorious surrounding to take centre stage.
  • Twina Office

    Twina Office, an Office for a technology company in Saudi Arabia, was designed by Polish interior design Studio Blok Studio. The studio designed a minimalist Office space for Twina Office, allowing natural materials to interact with subtle colors, allowing people to work ina comfortable and spacious environment.

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