YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号

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  • Melbourne Gallery

    Daniel Boddam Studio has unveiled its first gallery showroom, now open in the heart of Melbourne’s Collingwood. The space will present an evolving array of the studio’s crafted furniture and lighting collections, alongside a curated selection of art and decor.
  • Goldin Showroom

    This is a certain beginning, and the story is on the way It happened on Kaiyuan Road connected to West Lake.
  • Jane Yang D'haene

    Each of D’Haene’s pieces speaks to her heritage while tapping into the here and now, lending an energetic sense of place and power to their surroundings.
  • Toorak Residence

    The con guration of spaces is carefully arranged to optimise both a guest experience and family living experience.
  • A Tranquil Preserve

    A pure space that emphasizes the exploration of one's innermost being is a space for the homeowner, who wanted to be free from the exhaustion of life, have a refreshing mental break, and be able to spend time in solitude and meditation.
  • Bradley Bowers

    Bradley Bowers's avant-garde approach to contemporary design seeks to redefine conventional standards within living spaces and everyday household items.
  • Casa Quatro Holiday Home

    Combining architecture, design, location and privacy with a unique concierge service and the best addresses in the region, the Addresses is the perfect guide to the Portuguese "modo de vida".
  • Alecrim House

    The open floor plan seamlessly blends the indoors with the outdoors, creating a sense of continuity and connection to the natural surroundings.
  • Island

    The owner of this case is a solitary lady, a senior media professional from Guangzhou. She is busy with work on weekdays and wants to find a balance between work and life, giving the emotion a place.
  • New York Apartment

    The apartment's facades are painted in earth tones of lime brush, creating a dynamic sense of layering. Daniel Lonnstrom likes to use different materials, such as wood and metal, as well as hard and soft surfaces to bring the space to life, and this apartment was transformed in the same way, with soft, soothing colors designed to create a calm and inspiring atmosphere.
  • Leah Kaplan

    American ceramicist Leah Kaplan explores movement, texture and translucency through sculptural forms. Her signature porcelain vessels blend fluidity with minimalism, belying intricate construction that beckons viewers to take a closer look.
  • Burleigh House

    The project remains true to the neighborhood’s history as a haven for well-crafted mid-century modernist residences, and to a design tradition that venerates the climate and cultural hybridity of the West Coast.
  • Southern Guild

    Established in 2008 by Trevyn McGowan and Julian McGowan, Southern Guild represents contemporary artists from Africa and its diaspora.
  • SOI Thai Restaurant

    SOI means alley in Thailand. SOI 22 integrates Thai traditions into fashion concepts.

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