YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

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YINJISPACE use media professional’s unique perspective,try to explore the essence of life behind the design works.

© logo 粤ICP备19077098号

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  • Joshua Vogel

    Hand-crafted from local woods includ­ing black walnut, sycamore, and maple, Joshua Vogel ’s sculp­tures achieve a kind of Zen balance in their stacked forms, while his vessels often marry painstak­ing contours with natural splits in the grain.
  • NICHEN Shop

    Happy Smile is in the morning, the beginning of the wish in the rising rays. Another Morning is the director of the daughter of the same name brand, beautiful newborn, as pregnant with children in general dedicated serious, gorgeous turn and then wonderful metamorphosis.
  • Locke Am Platz

    Lifestyle aparthotel brand Locke expands into Zurich, Switzerland with the opening of its 15th hotel, Locke am Platz, in November 2023.
  • Ute Decker

    With influences as diverse as tribal art to the minimalism of Zen philosophy, Ute Decker use of essential shapes, clean lines, exquisite surface textures and the treatment of empty space give her work a powerful presence.
  • Làlia

    Làlia is a place with craftsmanship,integrity and unique interpretations of local materiality at its heart.
  • Pre War On The Park

    Workshop/APD revitalised this pre-war home on Central Park West with a New York twist on modern French interiors and classic architecture. 
  • Natural Residence

    This project is a refined renovation located in Zhuhai, Guangdong, meticulously designed by Zhuhai Benson Space Design Studio. The homeowner wished to create a simple yet nature-inspired living space.
  • LL House

    The house’s L-shape allows its two wings to open toward the scenic landscape, providing views of the hill.
  • Enrich.R

    Simplicity, harmony, and a formal beauty using a great variety of some worn and bare supports where the layers of color and the patina of time build a unique skin full of sensuality, energy, and tension.
  • Brandilera House

    Located on the Paci  fic coast, the property enjoys a privileged view of the sea, and the audacity of  The various constructions take this privilege as a premise. 
  • Proclamation House

    Proclamation House is an expressive home that responds to Subiaco’s local vernacular with an abstract hand. 
  • Mid-Century Elegant Residence

    In this fast-paced modern society, the pursuit of inner tranquility and a deep sense of serenity has become increasingly cherished by many.
  • Sconset Escape

    Workshop APD has designed Sconset Escape, a luxury residence in southern Massachusetts, USA, which is a ground-level holiday home based on texture, tonality and material variations.
  • Shakespeare Grove Residence

    The design emphasises craftsmanship and bespoke detailing, blending materials that capture both contemporary and old-world sensibilities.
  • Casa Piva

    Our Casa Piva residence is discreetly nestled down a laneway in one of Melbourne’s leafy suburbs. This family home draws inspiration from its owners' Italian heritage.

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